Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church Bassett VA | Bassett, VA

Posted Date 2/08/2025

First Baptist Church Bassett was founded in 1905. It is conservative in belief and associated with the SBCV and the SBC. It is located in Bassett of Henry County Virginia. We are a financially stable, debt free church with an average attendance of 125 on Sunday mornings and a 30 to 35% attendance on Sunday night and Wednesday night. The church staff is all part time and includes a Youth Pastor, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Technology Specialist, and Custodian. There is a small pastorium available if desired.

The following skills and qualifications are required:

  • Elder qualified as described in 1 Timothy 3:2-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4
  • Committed to preaching expository sermons by exegeting the Scriptures and allowing the spirit to guide in the relevant application to the congregation
  • Agreement with FBC Bassetts Standards of Deportment, Articles of Faith and By Laws.
  • Minimum Bachelors Degree in Religous studies from Seminary
  • Conservative Southern Baptist
  • Traditional in type of worship
  • Evangelical
  • Places importance in Visitation
  • Leadership
  • Organized
  • Articulate and expressive in both verbal and written communication
  • Strong people skills
  • Effective Counselor

Ministry requirements

  • Serve as the spiritual under-shepherd of the congregation that models Christlikeness in his personal, family, and corporate life
  • Prayerfully prepares and faithfully preaches Christ-centered expository sermons, teaching the full counsel of God's word
  • Leads in the development, communication, and implementation of a clear vision for First Baptist Church Bassett
  • Demonstrates an ability to serve a multi-generational congregation
  • Oversees routine administrative functions
  • Supervises the staff
  • Assists in planning and organizing such functions as the Lord's supper, baptism, corporate prayer, and other special gatherings
  • Ensures that all who minister the word to the congregation, including outside speakers, share FBC Bassett's fundamental convictions
Ministry Type
Senior Pastor
Contact Name
Monroe Light
Contact Info (Email and/or Phone)

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